View of a card for R. Downie & Sons, advertising Acme soap. Card depict a boy in a well with scrub brush, sitting on soapsuds, while a girl leans over edge of well. Printed on front: "Use Acme soap. Why, the foam is bringing him up! The Major & Knapp Lith. Co., N.Y." Printed on back: "R. Downie & sons, dealers in fresh roasted coffees, fine teas, best baking powder, our own make. Ground & whole spices. We also make the best sugar cured hams, bacons, shoulders and kettle rendered lard. When in want please remember Nos. 117 & 119 Michigan Ave. and cor. Fort & 18th Streets, Detroit, Mich. Ask for Lautz Bros. & Co.'s pure and healthy soaps. No so-called greases or adulterating material used in manufacturing them. Ask for Niagara starch, the purest, the sweetest, the best."