C.C. Kuennen and F.C. Kennedy with 1931 DeVaux automobile
View of C.C. Kuennen and F.C. Kennedy with a 1931 DeVaux car. Label on back: "Grand Rapids, March 14, 1931. C.C. Kuennen, western Michigan distributor for the new DeVaux Six, had his first ride this week in the car he is selling. Photo shows Kuennen being congratulated by F.C. Kennedy, Regional Sales Manager (left) as the first Grand Rapids man to ride in the new DeVaux. Kuennen's initial ride came two months after he was appointed Grand Rapids distributor since the few cars available had been rushed to special showings and automobile shows in various parts of the country. Thousands crowded around the new car in front of the Kuennen show rooms and demonstrations were given to as many as possible. Those who were fortunate in having a chance to ride in the new car were frankly amazed at the performance of its Hall engine and the easy riding qualities of the car. Immediately after the demonstration the car was driven east by R.H. Mulch, General Sales Manager of the DeVaux-Hall Motors Corporation for special showings to the company's eastern distributors. 1931 DeVaux." Handwritten on back: "1931 DeVaux 6."
- Resource ID:
- na051951
- Subject:
- Automobiles
- DeVaux-Hall Motors Company
- Photographic prints
- Date:
- 1931-03-14
- Format:
- 1 photographic print ; 6.75 x 9.5 in.
- Department:
- National Automotive History Collection
- Location:
- DeVaux
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.