View of an advertising card for Acme White Lead & Color Works, advertising Neal's carriage paints. Card depicts a man, wearing a top hat, driving a horse-drawn cart filled with children and a woman holding an umbrella. Dog chases behind cart. Farmer driving a cart on left. Printed on front: "It's an illegant dog cart ye have there, Mahoney. It's no dog cart Patsy, but me ould mud cart wid wan coat av Neal's carriage paint on it. The Calvert Lith. Co., Detroit, Mich." The manufacturing plant and offices were located at the corner of Grand River Avenue and Fourth Street. Printed on back: "Neal's carriage paints, seven beautiful shades. Brilliant, simple, durable and economical. The original and only complete line of liquid carriage paint ever introduced. Beware of worthless imitations. Just the thing for repainting old buggies and wagons. Experience not necessary to apply. One coat for old work. Varnishing unnecessary. Dries perfectly hard, with a beautiful gloss. An old buggy can be repainted at a cost, not to exceed one dollar. The merits of the materials used, and our special manufacturing facilities, enables us to present a carriage paint which is absolutely unsurpassed, while the simplicity of application and the beauty of appearance will be manifest at once. Acme White Lead & Color Works, sole manufacturers, Detroit, Michigan. For sale by Thorne & Rogers, Troy, N.Y."