View of an advertising card for Peninsular carriage and buggy paints. Card depicts several men, wearing top hats, looking at a dog cart, driven by a monkey. Printed on front: "Pronounced by the Coaching Club to be the finest painted dog cart in town. Painted by Peninsular carriage paints. Liquid, ready for use." Printed on back: "Does your buggy need re-painting? If so, paint it yourself, for less than one dollar with Peninsular carriage and buggy paints. Liquid, ready for use. Nine beautiful colors to select from, specially adapted for carriage painting. These paints are an improvement on all others heretofore placed on the market. With them anyone can by one application, without experience, re-paint a carriage, buggy, wagon, or any vehicle or article requiring a glossy finish. Varnishing not necessary, as varnish is mixed with the paint, drying quickly, leaving a handsome, glossy surface, which is tough and durable, and over which a coat of varnish would be superfluous. Ask your dealer for a sample card. For sale by L.C. Shelley, dealer in heavy and shelf hardware, paints, oils, etc. Bancroft, Mich."