Letter to Ralph Ulveling, Director of the Detroit Public Library, from Laura Ingalls Wilder. Letter reads: "Mansfield, Missouri. June 2nd, 1949. Dear Mr. Ulveling, Many things conspired to delay my writing to you, but I assure you your kindness in sending me so complete an account of the opening of the Laura Ingalls Wilder Branch Library is none the less appreciated. The Branch being named for me is such a wonderful thing that at times it has seemed incredible. Your letter has made it more real. Thank you also for the delightful broadside, the clippings, the pictures and the check. The books to be autographed have arrived and will be started on their return to you as soon as I can go to town. You may be interested to know I have just received a letter from a twelve years old Japanese girl in Japan, a reader of my books, who quoted Tennyson's 'Sweet and low wind of the Western sea.' Mr. Wilder is feeling better but is quite feeble. With kindest regards from us both I am. Yours sincerely, Laura Ingalls Wilder."