Worker inspecting DeSoto automobile, DeSoto factory
View of a man inspecting a DeSoto sedan body during painting process at the Warren Avenue DeSoto plant in Detroit, Michigan. Label on back: "Chrysler Corporation, Press Information Service, Detroit 31, Michigan, Townsend 8-5520. For immediate use. Thursday, November 12, 1953. Modern techniques speed auto painting. Car body which has been rust-proofed and prime-coated is inspected on this 'turnover fixture' at the DeSoto Warren Avenue plant in Detroit. After passing inspection, body travels through spray booth where final coat of enamel is applied. With modern production techniques now employed in automobile plants, painting a car takes less than a day. Thirty years ago, body shops had to spend up to a month on the exterior finish of a single car." Handwritten on back: "Warren Avenue plant, Detroit, Michigan. Factories--DeSoto."
- Resource ID:
- na040753
- Subject:
- DeSoto automobile
- Automobiles--Painting
- Automobile factories--Michigan--Detroit
- Chrysler Corporation. DeSoto Division
- Photographic prints
- Date:
- 1953
- Format:
- 1 photographic print ; 8 x 10 in.
- Department:
- National Automotive History Collection
- Location:
- Factories--DeSoto
- Negative Number:
- F2 11352
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.