Amelia Balacich and Evelyn Beers installing diesel engine, Mack Truck factory
Grab![Amelia Balacich and Evelyn Beers installing diesel engine, Mack Truck factory](/islandora/object/islandora%3A216582/datastream/IMAGE/view)
View of Amelia Balacich and Evelyn Beers installing a diesel engine at the Mack Truck factory. Label on back: "From: News & Feature Service, Mack Trucks, Inc., Empire State Bldg., New York 1, N.Y. Piston packin' mommas. Women in men's jobs are common enough right now, but these girls are believed to be unique -- the only female diesel mechanics in the country. They work as a team, and are shown here putting the finishing touches on a diesel engine installed in a 10-ton Army prime mover at the Mack truck factory in Long Island City, N.Y. The other mechanics, all male, have voted them their 'Piston packin' mommas.' Left is Amelia Balacich with Evelyn Beers on the right." Handwritten on back: "Women workers."
- Resource ID:
- na040278
- Subject:
- Women automobile industry workers
- Automobile mechanics
- Mack Trucks (Firm)
- Diesel motor
- Automotive Council for War Production--Archives
- Photographic prints
- Date:
- 1942-1945
- Format:
- 1 photographic print ; 8 x 10 in.
- Department:
- National Automotive History Collection
- Location:
- MS84/Automotive Council for War Production, Women workers, 90:7
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.