The old log cabin in the dell : song and chorus / words and music by C.A. White.
For voice and chorus (SATB) with piano.
Caption title.
First line of text: I am drifting down de hill of life.
First line of chorus: I'se going, going back to de home I love so well.
At head of title on cover: Songs of home.
Cover ill.: 5 illustrations to accompany 5 song titles. Little footsteps, white man, woman and two children standing in front of a house ; The old log cabin in the dell, log cabin ; Put me to bed, child praying ; The old man ain't what he used to be, elderly African American man with a banjo ; Friendless and sad, young girl looking in a store window.
Stamped on cover: From C.K. Hawkes, dealer in sheet music & musical instruments, Portland, Me.
On cover: 4 inside a circle.
Pl. no.: 2,473-3.