Stay in your own backyard : pathetic ballad & refrain / words by Karl Kennett ; music by Lyn Udall.
For voice and piano.
Cover title.
First line of text: Lilac trees a blooming in the corner by the gate.
First line of chorus: Now honey, yo' stay in yo' own back yard.
Cover ill: African American child looking at white children playing; photograph of M.M. Theissi.
Also published for: band, orchestra, banjo, mandolin and guitar.
Sung by 'Bonita' (M.M. Theissi's) of 'Wine, Woman and Song' Co., with great success--Cover.
Witmark Popular Publications--Cover.
Writers of 'Just one girl' Zizzy ze zum zum' 'Just as the sun went down' etc. etc.--Cover.
Ads for other songs by Lyn Udall at the bottom of pages [1]-[5] and back page.
Pl. no.: 2240.