Whar de watermelon' grow / words and music by Monroe H. Rosenfeld.
For voice and piano.
Cover title.
First line of text: Strolling out one morning.
First line of chorus: Down dar, down dar.
At head of title: Primrose's great watermelon song.
As sung with Primrose and Dockstader's Minstrels--Cover.
Cover ill.: Watermelon in color by GE. Black & white photograph of George Primrose in blackface, signed Yours in black.
Ads for other songs at the bottom of p. 3-5 and back cover.
Cover ill.: Watermelon in color by GE. Black & white photograph of George Primrose in blackface, signed
Author of 'I don't care if yo nebber comes back', 'Take back your gold' and many famous song successes--Cover.
On cover: 5.