Boeing B-29 Flying Fortresses and Douglas Boston attack bombers
Two separate views of Boeing B-29 Flying Fortresses and Douglas Boston attack bombers. Printed on front: "Boeing 'Flying Fortresses' by Douglas [with arrow pointing up]; Douglas 'Bostons' by Boeing [with arrow pointing down]." Label on back: "From Aviation News Committee, Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce. Release October 15. Pooled resources speed U.S. bomber output. Cooperative production for defense is the American aircraft industry's answer to the call for more and more bombers for the United States and Great Britain. These photographs illustrated a vital phase of that cooperative effort. (Top) Engineers and production experts from Douglas Aircraft Co. study a four-engine Boeing Flying Fortress at Seattle, preparatory to large-scale assembly of these giant bombers at the new Douglas 'blackout' plant, soon to be dedicated at Long Beach, Calif. A third manufacturer, Vega Airplane Co. of Burbank, Calif., is also participating in the long-range bomber 'pool.' (Bottom) Douglas Boston attack bombers being built for Britain at the Boeing plant in Seattle. According to the Aviation News Committee of the Aeronautical Chamber of Commerce, such pooling of resources by aircraft manufacturers is saving months of precious time in the production of warplanes of tested and proven design." Handwritten on back: "Aircraft--Bombers (Parts & assembly)."
- Resource ID:
- na032404
- Subject:
- B-29 (Bomber)
- A-20 (Bomber)
- Douglas airplanes
- Boeing bombers
- Automotive Council for War Production--Archives
- Photographic prints
- Date:
- 1942-1945
- Format:
- 1 photographic print ; 8 x 10 in.
- Department:
- National Automotive History Collection
- Location:
- MS84/Automotive Council for War Production, Aircraft--Bombers (Parts & Assembly), 85:9
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.