Several views of workers assembling bomber aircraft, Fisher Body, Detroit Aircraft Unit
Several views of workers assembling bomber aircraft at Fisher Body, Detroit Aircraft Unit. Label on back: "When the ordinary person looks at one of Uncle Sam's modern bombers, he sees two wings, the main fuselage, engines, landing gear and a few other objects visible to the eye. But what he doen't see, according to E.F. Fisher, general manager of Fisher Body Division of General Motors, in a report on the activities of the Detroit Aircraft Unit, fabricating and sub-assembly plant for Fisher's main aircraft plant, are the thousands upon thousands of small parts that go into the plane. In the six photos shown here, No. 1 shows the painting of loft lines on a fuselage frame section to determine the location for rivets on final assembly, which is a Fisher development and is 20 times faster than former orthodox hand methods; No. 2 shows the polishing of transparent plastic tail observation cones; No. 3 shows hundreds of small parts, including fuselage frame angles of which only one is used in a plane, flat torque tube collars two of which are used in each ship and nacelle fire extinguisher door releases, two of which are used in each plane; No. 4, a lineup of bombardier stools on the inspectors' tables; No. 5, assembly of auxiliary fuel tanks, and No. 6, carburetor air scoops that contain at least 100 parts, not including the rivets. From W.S. McLean, Fisher Body Division, General Motors Corporation, Detroit, Michigan. (Note editor: This caption and photo has been reviewed by the War Department)." Handwritten on back: "Aircraft--Bombers (Parts & assembly)."
- Resource ID:
- na032381
- Subject:
- Bombers--Design and construction
- Aircraft industry--Employees
- Women aircraft industry employees
- General Motors Corporation. Fisher Body Division
- Automotive Council for War Production--Archives
- Photographic prints
- Date:
- 1942-1945
- Format:
- 1 photographic print ; 8 x 10 in.
- Department:
- National Automotive History Collection
- Location:
- MS84/Automotive Council for War Production, Aircraft--Bombers (Parts & Assembly), 85:8
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.