Major J.A. Thompson, C.E. Bleicher and Captain F.A. Dixon inspecting bomber fuselage section, Chrysler Corporation plant
View of Major J.A. Thompson, C.E. Bleicher and Captain F.A. Dixon posing with bomber fuselage at Chrysler Corporation, DeSoto plant. Label on back: "Major J.A. Thompson, Air Corps Resident Representative; C.E. Bleicher, De Soto Vice President and in charge of Chrysler Corporation's bomber fuselage assembly operations; and Captain F.A. Dixon, formerly Air Corps resident representative, inspecting one of bomber fuselage sections now being turned out in volume in a Chrysler Corporation plant. With automobile production methods these sections are now coming down various assembly lines after the shells have been previously assembled in giant sections in other parts of the plant. (B-140). Chrysler Corporation, Detroit, Michigan." Handwritten on back: "Aircraft--Bombers (Parts & assembly)."