Sterkenburg automobile
Artist's depiction of a Sterkenburg car, designed by John Tjaarda. Handwritten on back: "Luxury model Sterkenburg was to have featured 131-in. wheelbase, semi-automatic transmission and aeordynamic 'sports saloon' bodywork. Source: the John Tjaarda collection. Sterkenburg, c.1928-1931."
- Resource ID:
- na040051
- Subject:
- Automobiles
- Automobiles--Design and construction
- Experimental automobiles
- Tjaarda, John, 1897-1962
- Photographic prints
- Date:
- unknown
- Format:
- 1 photographic print ; 8 x 10 in.
- Department:
- National Automotive History Collection
- Location:
- MS6/John Tjaarda Collection--Photographs, 49:205
- Negative Number:
- 15076 F-2
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.