Howie Fox
Portrait of Howie Fox, pitcher for the Cincinnati Reds. Bowman series. Printed on front: "Howie Fox." Printed on back: "Howie Fox. Pitcher, Cincinnati Reds. Born: Coburg, Ore., March 1, 1921. Height: 6-3. Weight: 210. Won 11, lost 8, in 1950 for a .579 percentage. Earned run average was 4.33. Started in organized ball in 1943 with Birmingham. With same club, 1944. Called up by the Reds after achieving a 19-10 record. Won 8, while losing 13, in 45 games for Cincinnati, in 1945. With Syracuse, 1946 and 1947. Back with Reds in 1948, Howie compiles a win-lose record of 6 and 9. In 1949, he won 6 and lost 19. No. 180 in the 1951 series baseball picture cards. [Copyright] 1951 Bowman Gum, Inc., Phila., Pa., U.S.A."
- Resource ID:
- hr001594
- Subject:
- Fox, Howie (Howard Francis), 1921-1955
- Pitchers (Baseball)--Ohio--Cincinnati
- Cincinnati Reds (Baseball team)
- Baseball cards
- Publisher:
- Bowman Gum, Inc.
- Date:
- 1951
- Format:
- 1 baseball card : col. ; 3.25 x 2 in.
- Department:
- Ernie Harwell Sports Collection
- Location:
- Baseball cards-Bowman-1951-Fox, Howie
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.