Bill Coughlin swinging bat
Action shot of Bill Coughlin swinging bat. Handwritten on front: "William Coughlin, 3rd base., capt." Printed on card back: "William Coughlin, Detroit's captain and third baseman, broke into professional ball in 1897. He played with the Washington Club through the years of 1901, 1902, and 1903, and was sold to Detroit in 1904. He is one of the best handlers of bunted balls in the league. He hits right handed and is always there with the needed hit. Copyrighted and published by A.C. Dietsche, Detroit, Mich., 1907." Handwritten on card back: "Fri. Nov. 6 '08. 5.30a.m. It has been much warmer today. Am going to the show tonight to see the time the place and the girl with Gibson. Walked down town again tonight. Football game on tomorrow going to play Cleveland. Had a postal from Warren this a.m. He is going deer hunting next Saturday. E.A.S." Card is postmarked November 7, 1908.
- Resource ID:
- hr000107
- Subject:
- Coughlin, Bill (William P.), 1878-1943
- Baseball players--Michigan--Detroit
- Detroit Tigers (Baseball team)
- Batting (Baseball)
- Postcards
- Publisher:
- A.C. Dietsche
- Date:
- 1907
- Format:
- 1 postcard ; 5.5 x 3.5 in.
- Department:
- Ernie Harwell Sports Collection
- Location:
- Postcards-Biography-Coughlin, Bill
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.