Jo-Jo White
Portrait of Jo-Jo White, center fielder for the Detroit Tigers. Diamond Stars series. Printed on front: "'Jo Jo' White." Printed on back: "Diamond Stars, no. 45. Jo-Jo White, Detroit outfielder, is one of the few major leaguers who employs the kicking slide as he comes into the bag. This is not recommended to boys, for the reason that even ordinary types of sliding are dangerous unless carefully practiced. White's slide makes him doubly difficult to tag, for the reason that he keeps his feet curled underneath until the last instant before he reaches the bag, when he lunges out, often kicking the ball loose from the baseman's grasp as it is held in front of the bag. Boys, however, will do well to learn the simple slides, as explained in others of this series. Austen Lake. Boston American. Joyner C. White. Born College Park, Ga., 27 years old; throws right, bats left; 5 ft. 10 1/2 inches, 160 pounds. Batted .313 in 1934; .130 in the World's Series. One of 240 major league players with playing tips. [Copyright] 1935, National Chicle Co., Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A."
- Resource ID:
- hr000938
- Subject:
- White, Jo-Jo (Joyner Clifford), 1909-1986
- Baseball players--Michigan--Detroit
- Detroit Tigers (Baseball team)
- Baseball cards
- Publisher:
- National Chicle Co.
- Date:
- 1935
- Format:
- 1 baseball card : col. ; 3 x 2.5 in.
- Department:
- Ernie Harwell Sports Collection
- Location:
- Baseball cards-National Chicle Co.-Diamond Stars-1935-White, Jo-Jo
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.