Bill Donovan
Bill Donovan posed in uniform with ball ready to pitch. Handwritten on front: "Will Donovan, pitcher." Printed on back: "William E. Donovan, Detroit's star pitcher, is a veteran with whom major league ball has been acquainted since 1898. In 1902, just before the close of the war between the American and National Leagues, he signed with Detroit. He has fine speed, wonderful curves, and wins a considerable number of games through his ability with the stick. Copyrighted and published by A.C. Dietsche, Detroit, Mich., 1907." Handwritten on back: "Thurs. Oct. 22 '08, 5.30 p.m. I received Mother's letter this a.m. and also the paper. It was quite cold here this a.m. but is nice and warm now. Walked out to Belle Isle again tonight with one of the fellows and just got back. Will write tomorrow with love to all. How are the forest fires up there? E.A.S." Card is postmarked October 22, 1908. .
- Resource ID:
- hr000051
- Subject:
- Donovan, Bill (William Edward), 1876-1923
- Detroit Tigers (Baseball team)
- Pitchers (Baseball)--Michigan--Detroit
- Postcards
- Publisher:
- A.C. Dietsche
- Date:
- 1907
- Format:
- 1 postcard ; 5.5 x 3.5 in.
- Department:
- Ernie Harwell Sports Collection
- Location:
- Postcards-Biography-Donovan, Will
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.