G.A.R. parade
Stereo negative. Fife and drum corps in Revolutionary War-era uniforms march in front of spectators on residential street. Leader is in Civil War-era uniform; group marching behind also in Civil War-era uniforms. Recorded in glass negative ledger: "D/Conventions-G.A.R.-25th nat'l. encampment, Detroit, 1891." Minor emulsion damage top and bottom edges and corners.
- Resource ID:
- EB02f426
- Subject:
- Grand Army of the Republic. National Encampment
- Parades--Michigan--Detroit
- Crowds--Michigan--Detroit
- Glass negatives
- Date:
- 1891
- Format:
- 1 negative : glass ; 5 x 7 in.
- Department:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Negative Number:
- BHC glass neg. no. 3259
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.