Jackson brass foundry
View of brick and wooden-frame factory buildings behind fence; horse and cart in street; pile of wood next to plank sidewalk. Painted on side of building: "Brass foundry." Handwritten on back: "Woodbridge (now River) St. west of Third St., 1859. Brass foundry, C.W. Jackson, iron, brass and bell founder at Michigan Central Depot, Directory 1850, p. 17, ads."
- Resource ID:
- DPA5189
- Subject:
- Factories--Michigan--Detroit
- Brass industry and trade--Michigan--Detroit
- Photographic prints
- Date:
- 1859
- Format:
- 1 photographic print mounted on stock ; image 13 x 10 in.
- Department:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Location:
- LD/Streets-Woodbridge St.
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.