Antonio Dondero's wicker furniture factory
Three-story brick building. Man stands by furniture on sidewalk; blurred girl in doorway; people at windows on top floor. Signs on building read: "Detroit Willow Ware Manufactory; salesroom; A. Dondero; All kinds of willow ware made & repaired by A. Dondero; Detroit Willow Ware Manufactory, wholesale & retail dealers." Brick buildings on both sides. Printed on label on card back: "New series. Panoramic and cabinet sketches, in and about the city of Detroit. Photographed and published by Jex Bardwell, 31 Monroe Avenue." Handwritten on card back: "North side Monroe Ave. bet. Farrer & Randolph, 1881. Detroit - Monroe Ave. 2. 11712."
- Creator:
- Bardwell, Jex, 1824-1902
- Resource ID:
- DPA3194
- Subject:
- Wicker furniture industry--Michigan--Detroit
- Factories--Michigan--Detroit
- Photographers--Michigan--Detroit
- Albumen prints
- Photographic prints
- Publisher:
- Jex Bardwell
- Date:
- 1881
- Format:
- 1 cabinet card ; image 7 x 4 in.
- Department:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Location:
- D/Industries & business houses-Dondero, A.
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.