Chalmers Motor Company factory
Panoramic view of factory. Several cars on drives near buildings. One man standing in far left. Other buildings on far right. Flags and bunting with picture of elk on the ends of factory buildings. Printed on photograph front: "Factory of Chalmers Motor Company, Detroit, Mich. As it appeared during Elks Grand Lodge Reunion, July, 1910. Site 30 acres. Manufacturing floor space 750,000 square feet. Photo by Peninsular Engraving Co., Detroit, Mich."
- Resource ID:
- DPA1623
- Subject:
- Automobile factories--Michigan--Detroit
- Automobile industry and trade--Michigan--Detroit
- Photography, Panoramic
- Albumen prints
- Photographic prints
- Publisher:
- Peninsular Engraving Co.
- Date:
- 1910-07
- Format:
- 1 panoramic print mounted on fabric ; 9.75 x 50.5 in.
- Department:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Location:
- LD/Automobile industry & trade-Chalmers Motor Co.
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.