Plat map for property on the corner of Howard and 10th Street
Plat map for property located on the corner of Howard and 10th St., parcel 158. Recorded on map: "Lot 13 and west 1/2 of lot 14, block 66, plat of the Woodbridge Farm as divided by the Commissioners in partition in 1864, Wayne County, Michigan, now city of Detroit. (Recorded in Liber 1 of plats, page 146, Wayne Co. records.) Mason L. Brown & Son, civil engineers & surveyors, 120 Madison Avenue, Detroit 26, Michigan. We hereby certify that we have surveyed the property herein described; and that all buildings and improvements are within the property lines, unless otherwise shown, [signed] Mason L. Brown, registered land surveyor."
- Creator:
- Mason L. Brown & Son
- Resource ID:
- bh004394
- Subject:
- Detroit (Mich.). Corporation Counsel. Bureau of Real Estate
- City planning--Michigan--Detroit
- Eminent domain--Michigan--Detroit
- Real property--Maps
- Date:
- 1958-03
- Format:
- 1 map ; 18 x 12 in.
- Department:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Location:
- MS/Detroit. Corporation Counsel. Real Estate Div., Box 22
- Content Note:
- Part of a collection that contains condemnation files, photographs, blueprints and descriptions of slum clearance housing parcels for the City of Detroit. Of particular note are areas which included the neighborhoods known as Paradise Valley, Black Bottom, Corktown and the Jeffries Housing Project.
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.