Detroit River tunnel as seen from Windsor, Ontario
View of sunken entrance to Detroit River tunnel on the Windsor, Ontario side. Construction work in progress around tunnel. Houses visible in background. Sign over entrance reads "Detroit River Tunnel, 1909." Printed on front: "Detroit, Mich., River tunnel as it appears at Windsor, Ontario. 1312 ["U" in a circle]." Printed on back: "The Detroit River tunnel has the unique distinction of being the only tunnel of this type ever built. It was constructed in sections, all work being done from the surface of the water without the use of compressed air. The tunnel is operated electrically. Construction was started October 1, 1906 and completed July 1, 1910. The length from portal to portal is 1 3/4 miles, and from summit of grade 2 1/2 miles. It was built by the Detroit River Tunnel Company for the M.C.R.R. at a a cost of $8,500,000." Valentine-Souvenir Co. publisher trademark printed on back.
- Resource ID:
- bh000437
- Subject:
- Railroad tunnels--Detroit River (Mich. and Ont.)
- Railroad construction workers--Ontario--Windsor
- Railroad tunnels--Design and construction
- Michigan Central Railroad Company
- Postcards
- Publisher:
- Valentine-Souvenir Co.
- Date:
- unknown
- Format:
- 1 postcard : col. ; 3.5 x 5.5 in.
- Department:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Location:
- D/Tunnels & tunneling-Detroit/Windsor
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.