Letter of recommendation for Charles N. Agree from Department of Street Railways in Detroit, Michigan
Letter of recommendation from F.A. Nolan, general manager of the Department of Street Railways (Detroit, Mich.) to the Construction Contract Board for the consideration of the Charles N. Agree architectural firm in the defense housing projects. Addressed to Col. William McKee. Printed on Department of Street Railways, City of Detroit letterhead: "Department of Street Railways, city of Detroit, administration building, 11200 Shoemaker Ave, Detroit, Mich." Logo at the top right-hand corner: "Operated for public service, not for private profit: Department of Street Railways." Letter is scanned from a negative photocopy.
- Creator:
- Nolan, F.A.
- Detroit (Mich.) Dept. of Street Railways
- Resource ID:
- bh000069
- Subject:
- United States. Federal Public Housing Authority
- Architecture--Michigan--Detroit
- Agree, Charles N. (Charles Nathanial), 1897-1982
- Detroit (Mich.) Dept. of Street Railways--Records and correspondence
- Architects--Michigan--Detroit
- Date:
- 1942-03-25
- Format:
- 1 sheet ; 10 x 7.5 in.
- Department:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Location:
- MS/Agree, Charles N., Box 2, U.S. Engineering Office folder
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.