Girl in Dutch costume
Postcard depicting girl wearing Dutch costume and carrying basket; windmill and house in background. "Detroit" flag on right. Printed on front: "I am making preparings for your coming to Detroit und hope that it will be soon bygolly." Signature on drawing: "A. Easley." Printed on back: "Anglo kid series." Handwritten on back: "Dear Brother, your can rec'd was very glad to hear from you. We are all well. Mama was down to see everybody. Marvin has been very sick but is better now. Clifford is fine he is getting so big. Jessie sends her kindest regards. Will is got another big girl. Do you ever see Fred. Write soon, goodby, Sister Anna." Card is postmarked September 12, 1914.
- Creator:
- Easley, A.
- Resource ID:
- bh000721
- Subject:
- Girls--Caricatures and cartoons
- Costume--Netherlands
- Windmills
- Flags
- Postcards
- Date:
- c.1914
- Format:
- 1 postcard : col. ; 3.5 x 5.5 in.
- Department:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Location:
- D/1914
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.