Washington Boulevard
View along park in Washington Boulevard median. Buildings line street; a fountain seen in the distance. Automobiles, horse-drawn vehicles and pedestrians visible. Printed on front: "Washington Park and fountain. Detroit, Mich." Printed on back: "519. Wolverine News Co., Detroit, Mich. Printed in Germany." Handwritten on back: "Your letter came this p.m. Sorry hear Grandfather is laid up. I am not going over to Ann Arbor after all. I had a letter from Elmer today and he is going away with the ball team Saturday for a ten days trip. We play Toledo tomorrow. Will write soon. Eve. 5/18/10." Card is postmarked May 16, 1910.
- Resource ID:
- bh000416
- Subject:
- Streets--Michigan--Detroit
- Parks--Michigan--Detroit
- Central business districts--Michigan--Detroit
- Postcards
- Publisher:
- Wolverine News Co.
- Date:
- c.1910
- Format:
- 1 postcard : col. ; 3.5 x 5.5 in.
- Department:
- Burton Historical Collection
- Location:
- D/Streets-Washington Boulevard
- Copyright:
- Physical rights are retained by DPL. Copyright is retained in accordance with U.S. copyright laws.