Browse Collections
(97 - 120 of 125)
- na043232
- Motorists posing with Stearns official automobile at Perth Amboy, New Jersey, 1909 New York-Atlanta Good Roads Tour
- na051769
- Mechanic stamping front axle on 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest
- na018934
- Crowd surrounding 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest
- na018935
- Crowd surrounding 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest
- na018938
- Rope, canvas and pail tied to rear of 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest
- na018941
- Crowd surrounding 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest
- na018940
- Driver and passengers with 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest
- na018937
- Crowd surrounding 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest
- na018943
- Crowd surrounding 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest
- na018942
- Crowd surrounding 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest
- na018939
- Driver and passengers in 1909 Stearns automobile, 1909 Ocean to Ocean, New York to Seattle contest